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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Pre-Production: Costume & Character

The next stage of pre-production, which would lead to creating our film, was to plan how we wanted our characters to look. We only had one main acting character in our film, thus meaning we didn't have to plan a costume and personality for a whole cast; just one person. Any one else in the film would be purely dressed as they are; in what they would wear in public in the winter months and out and about.

When it came to designing our protagonist, we wanted his personality to consist of the following features:
We felt that these were the appropriate traits for our character in our film. A lot of social realistic films protagonists are often quite aggressive and violent, however we decided to use a different technique and idea to express any aggression in our character by making him quickly frustrated rather than violent. We also figured since he wasn't part of any gang culture etc, he would probably be a bit of a loner and/or be a little akward in real life, especially what with dealing with life at home, making him bottle up his feelings a lot. This also helps the viewer understand why he will not have a massive script, as he likes to keep to himself.

We then began to design and creating a labelled diagram for our protagonists' costume. Matt and I each drew an interpretation of the characters costume whilst Katie helped us with the annotating.


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