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Sunday 3 February 2013

Creating Logos For The Film Poster

One of the other features we noticed during our analysis of film posters was that there were a sufficient amount of associated companies and sponsors in the credits section at the bottom of the poster. These companies were all represented by logos. These seemed to be an essential for a film poster in order to look authentic and professional. It's almost as if it's a boast to credit all the featured companies that were worked with.

Instead of stealing other companies logos or using resources that were not our own, we decided creating our own fictional company logos would be best. We first created a collage of existing logos that are usually found on film posters in this credit section we speak of.

From these logos, we could see the typical designs and styles of them, such as the fact that they all following a single colour palette that is designed to stand out from the background (particularistic white on black and black on white).

I then began to design my own fictional designs.
I uploaded a Powerpoint Presentation to Authorstream to show my logo designs.


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