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Sunday 27 January 2013

Photography for Magazine Article

From the research we had done on film magazines and their review sections, we knew we had to include at least one photo in to our media piece in order for it to look authentic. So, on one of our shooting days, we wandered up the stations tracks a little bit and spent half an hour taking some really nice photo's that we could possibly use for this ancillary task in particular.

We took photo's at a few different angles and distances to give us a variety of different compositions that we could use for this ancillary task. These shots include low angle shots looking up on the main character, long distance shots to include the background and mid shots to catch both the characters emotion and environment  Although we liked all of the shots, we decided we liked the one below most and are thus going to use it as our film's representative imagery in our magazine review article.

We really liked it because whilst it looked very professional and dramatic looking, it also looked quite dull and had a certain dirtiness to it that a social realist film needs to be advertised with. This may have been due to how the character and his clothing blended well with the environment around him. We also really loved the  train lights in the background. In a more 'in depth' view, we suggested that the lights represented freedom or a better life, which is what our character is seeking. We really liked how this imagery portrayed this point.


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